Good morning! We just went through TSA screening and are waiting at our gate. Flying today will be the ultimate challenge of living on the journey vs the destination.
I never flew as a child so airplane travel has always been scary for me; today, I am trying to be excited and not nervous. It’s a little hard to tell the difference, I’ll know more once we take off at 8:15 am.
Our first flight is to Washington DC then grab the connecting flight to Las Vegas.
My ticket says window seat which normally would scare the daylights out of me. Sam who loves to travel, gave me a pep talk; he has a lot more experience than me after flying to China & Japan.
Noah flies very often because his friend Steven has his own plane. Steven flies into Bennington, VT from Stamford, CT. He just picked up Noah on Friday night for the weekend and flew him home last night. Pretty cool right? Steven picked up Noah one day to fly to Martha’s Vineyard for a seafood lunch. 🦞
This morning Marty is super excited, he loves to fly. He grew up flying back back forth of Germany while growing up to visit family there.

So here I sit waiting, trying to keep myself calm and focus on experiencing all of it, just like Sam said to.