One of my very first blog posts was about how to peel a banana properly. According to my son Sam and husband Marty, both left-brained thinkers, they peel their bananas from the bottom up. My older son Noah and I are both right-brained thinkers and peel from the top down.
Many readers agreed with my theory, while others proved it wrong. Well, either way, here’s your chance again to decide…how to eat cereal.
This morning at 5 am, when I was packing up for the Troy Farmers Market, Sam came into the kitchen for his “midnight snack.” Sam’s body clock is opposite ours since he works overnight shifts as an RN in the emergency room.
Sam proclaimed there is a proper way to eat cereal from a bowl pack. He likes bowl packs better than a plain bowl; it makes it easier to make his cereal the way he likes.
Sam said, “Here’s the proper way to eat cereal from a bowl pack.” Oh boy, I couldn’t wait to hear this one. “You only peel back the top of the package a little bit to pour in the milk.” What’s with this kid and the way he peels things?
Sam continued, “After you pour in the milk, you close up the bowl pack again. This way, it pushes all the cereal down.” I took the bait and asked why. He said, “This way, all the cereal gets the same amount of milk saturation.” He is too much I almost fell on the floor laughing. 😂 Saturation…

He likes all of his cereal to be soft after being “saturated” with milk. I like my cereal crunchy, adding only a small amount of milk and eating it fast before it gets soft and mushy. “No! that’s not the way to eat cereal!” That was Sam’s reaction.
When our older son Noah was little, he used to eat his Cheerios in a bowl dry without any milk. My father always tried to talk him into putting milk on his cereal, but Noah liked it dry. It was funny to me that my father was so concerned about how Noah ate his cereal.
I just asked Marty on our ride to Troy, NY, how he likes his cereal, and he said without any hesitation, “Crunchy.” “Why?” I didn’t answer him and said, “You’ll see.”
So there goes the right vs. left-brained thinking theory. Like the banana, Sam puts a lot of thought into things and amuses me with his findings and preferences.
As we left for the market, Sam was headed up to bed for his “night’s” sleep; we will most likely wake him up when we come back home and make all that “racket.” His words, not mine. 🤣
Have a great rest of your weekend, guys!
Who knew I was a right brainer too? I also despise soggy cereal. So much so, I fling dry cereal into my gob and then just take a swig of icy cold milk from a glass. Cuts out the middleman of bowl and spoon. My husband, clearly a left brainer, does despair of my actions.