An official update…I’ve finally been able to sleep for the last 3 weeks; I mean, really sleeping thanks to those Midnight Drops. Sleep is definitely underrated. I’ve had problems sleeping my whole adult life, so this is actually kind of weird.
I’ve always gone to bed later than Marty. Sometimes it’s nice to stay up and enjoy a little peace and solitude, but not being able to sleep on most nights sucks. Marty has always been the one who is up early, making a pot of coffee, and enjoy the early morning quiet.
Now I am up first; weird. What’s weirder is that I wake up on my own, ready for it?… Not tired at all! I’ve even been able to brew a pot of coffee without making a complete mess.
The peace and tranquillity of the morning hours are completely different from the evening. In the morning, it’s a feeling of the calm before the storm getting ready to start my day as opposed to at night when I start to panic, “Oh shit, I’m going to be so tired in the morning! It’s going to be a long ass day!”
Whenever an alarm would rip me out of a terrible night’s sleep, I woke up tired and pissed off while most people wake up refreshed since they actually slept. I forgot what it felt like actually being refreshed or to sleep for 5-6 hours straight. It’s amazing balls! More than that, it’s awesomesauce.
Laying in bed at night when most people are sleeping, and you can’t turn off your brain or even shut your eyes is maddening! It’s been used to torture people, for Christ’s sake! It’s a problem I see many of my Facebook friends are having as well. I see their posts in the middle of the night asking if anyone else is up—usually a shit load of people who should be sleeping answer back.
The bottom line is, thank God I no longer feel tortured, tired, or miserable in the morning. I don’t start my day anymore planning when I can fit in a nap which is priceless. Totally worth a four-hour round trip to the dispensary to stock up those hard-to-find Midnight Drops. 😴
Oh yeah, one more thing…One other big plus with the Midnight Drops is that the combo of CBD & THC is helping with my arthritis pain. I didn’t realize it at first; the build-up of the CBD over the last three weeks is definitely noticeable. A win/win!
That’s great,Julz! You deserve it!