Still not fixed…

Unimpressive round of dish drainer Jenga after 4 rounds.

I’m getting tired of playing dish drainer Jenga. This was the fourth game I played yesterday. This round wasn’t nearly as impressive as some of the earlier ones I built.

I had some fleeting hope that the high-end, local appliance store we bought our dishwasher from was not as bad as I thought when the repair guys showed up last Thursday and discovered the hose that mice chewed through. 

They said if they didn’t have one in stock, they would order it. They also said it should come in fast, like a day or two at the most. That was last Thursday. After doing shitloads of dishes this past weekend, Marty called the store yesterday, Tuesday, to see if the part came in so he could pick it up and install it himself. 

A not-so-nice, ok downright mean, annoyed AF person answered the phone and growled out, “The part’s been ordered!!!” It’s clear this store doesn’t give two shits about us or our dishwasher. A holiday weekend is approaching, and since they only work bankers hours Mon-Friday 9-5, I know that I will be doing a lot more dishes for at least another week.

Marty tried to find the part himself online but could only buy it with the expensive pump included, which we don’t need. Rarely, Marty can’t find something he’s looking for online.

I shout the praises of small, local businesses all the time being one ourselves, but this place gives small businesses a bad name. This is the reason why people prefer to shop at big box stores. I totally get it.

My patience is wearing thin as we are at the mercy of this local, high-end appliance store that has us by the balls. I’ll repeat it…if I knew when we purchased our pricey dishwasher from them and would receive this type of service or none service, should I say, I never would have done it. Bastards!