Banana etiquette

There is a debate here in our house, how to properly eat a banana. Who knew there was a proper way to eat a banana. I think the opposite way that Marty and my younger son Sam do. They are both left handed thinkers. Smart and good at math, science, engineering and analytical. Neither of them could draw a stick figure to save their life. My older son Noah and I are right handed thinkers. We are smart too, but are more visual, creative and artistic. We can draw stick figures. LOL

Marty and Sam peel their bananas from the bottom and I peel mine from the top. They say it’s easier to peel it from the bottom, then you have a built in handle. They actually thought of this?

I tried peeling my banana from the bottom and it wasn’t easier for me. Every time I tried I squished the bottom of the banana. The worse part is this disgusting looking thing that is at the end of a banana. I honestly get queasy just looking at it. I can’t believe I ate so many of these nasty little things in my lifetime!

Is this important stuff? These types of discussions in our home turn into big discussions. The left handed thinkers are always trying to convince the right handed thinkers how to do things their way, or in their minds the right way. I really don’t care how they eat their bananas, I think its hilarious they care how I eat mine.

Well I’ll bet you never thought about how you eat a banana before….have you?