I’ve held my tongue on this situation for years, but now that puppies are involved, I would not be true to myself if I didn’t write about the animal neglect going on next door to us.
Last summer, two dogs next door barked at us constantly whenever we were outside.
We felt terrible for them. Their owner and tenant of the home is a complete asshole whom we have put up with for the last 8 years.
The female dog had puppies I think back in August. There were 6 of them. We think there are still three puppies living there.
The dogs haven’t been outside except for one time since Halloween. One of us is usually home so we know whenever the older dogs go outside.
We’ve had snow on the ground since mid-December, and there have never been any dog prints in it.
For the last few months, their owner is gone for 2-3 days at a time. When he does show up, he runs inside for 5 minutes and must feed them and leave for another day or two.
How are they fed? All at once? What if the bigger ones eat all the puppies’ food since they are all together?
What if the water bowls are tipped over?
The guy sleeps at the house one or two nights a week. When he is gone, the dogs bark nonstop, and they are left in a pitch-black house.
The barking isn’t what upsets me, it’s the neglect and the mistreatment of these dogs and puppies.
They stare at us out the windows barking their heads off. Yesterday, after the dogs being alone for 2 full days I decided to take videos of the pathetic situation.
Their owner did come home last night and was at the house for 12 hours. How do we know?
We receive notifications from the surveillance camera on our front porch when cars pull in and out.
When he had a beagle a few years back we tried contacting animal control but were told there was nothing we could do.
The beagle fell out of the second story window and survived. After that, the dog was tied up outside all the time.
The dog barked 24-7 until the 3 bed and breakfast inns customers started banging on our door since they didn’t get any sleep. We showed them where the dog was kept outside
We contacted the owners of the house and realized that was a big mistake since they are the tenants grandparents.
The dog finally went somewhere else, who knows where. I’m glad I don’t know.
The guy used to breed lizards and had around 75 of them and kept a bunch of snakes and rats.
What happened to all of them? Can they go for 3 or 4 days without food and water? I have no idea. Maybe they can.
I know first hand how horrible the house smelled two years ago with only two dogs when we helped his girlfriend and her kids move out.
This guy is a maniac and a screamer with a very bad temper and wanted to get into with us a couple of years ago.
We decided he was not worth our breath, energy or able to have a normal conversation with. So we act as though he doesn’t exist.
This person throws our mail that was put into his mailbox by accident on the ground. Some of the mail are checks from our wholesale customers.
This is how we get paid and have money. Checks show up missing often since we were expecting them after seeing the envelopes on mail notification images on a daily basis.
Our mail has his footprints all over them and some are pressed into the ground and torn. Who does this? Isn’t that tampering with mail?
We contacted the postal service and they always have another excuse why this happened even though know the situation we are in.
All that aside, we feel hopeless with the dog and puppy situation. It’s heartbreaking.
On top of that, I dread another summer of the dogs barking at us whenever we are outside or on our front porch.
For the record, they don’t bark at all when he is home.
Our hands are tied. Period. The police can’t do anything about it and we don’t have animal control like most other places.
I feel better after finally exposing the situation rather than sitting here like a coward worried he will find out.
He is the kind of person who would retaliate if he found out and God only knows what he is capable of because he anger issues.
He screams at his kids, parents, friends, girlfriends, and grandparents. We can hear the screaming inside our house through his and our closed windows.
Just ask anyone who has ever tried to live there with him. There have been at least a dozen. They all move out for the same reason.
If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Websrebuaes to living next to the house of horrors, but this is different.
In the meantime, I am on the lookout for a pair of noise canceling headphones to wear whenever I am outside.
Last thing…Why do people have pets when they don’t take care of them? I can’t understand it.
You might not have any agency locally but seems to me you need to try to bump it up to the county or state level. Keep me/us informed.
Will do. ❤️
Heartbreaking. We have a next door neighbor with two Visulia’s, brother and sister and thankfully, the female is spayed. The male has tennis sized balls and breaks out of the fenced yard frequently. I always gently escort him back home. They bark non-stop from 1 to 6 am when they’re literally shut outside, sometimes in freezing cold temps and deep snow. Why in the middle of the night? Who knows. Skinny as rails. The good news is, while we live in a small town, the police department is diligent and respond immediately to any phone calls and step in immediately. It improves for a while then starts all over again. I love humans and yet,
sometimes hate them with equal measure. Not a good vibe, but I’m working on it.
Sorry, this was Camille in NH
It’s very sad to think about those poor dogs who get so little attention and no time outside. Why do people have animals if they don’t want to care for them properly? They should let them be adopted to loving homes instead. – Arthur