Crazy delicious sandwich…

A tasty sandwich.

My posts have been shorter since this is our high season, but I finally figured out after almost 3 years of blogging, I can share 1 photo with a quick description.

Duh, Julz! Every blog post doesn’t have to be a long detailed or emotional piece.

Oh, believe me, there are still plenty of those to come when we can come up for some air.

This is already turning out to longer than intended. 🤣

Behold, the photo of the sandwich above, such a simple, healthy, and delicious creation which was inspired by an Instagram image.

Toast topped with pesto, spinach, scrambled eggs, a slice of tomato, thinly sliced mozzarella cheese, freshly picked basil, kosher salt and pepper.

So stinking good! This is healthy, clean eating. Yum.

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