Soft boiled eggs…

Good morning! ☀️ It’s 7:30 am on a lovely Saturday morning here in Vermont. When I was little, I loved soft-boiled eggs with toast. As an adult, I’ve been making soft-boiled eggs for decades with mixed results.

I learned how to make them using my 1950s Betty Crocker cookbook. There are a lot of variables that can over or under-cook them using the method of placing eggs in cold water and boiling for two minutes.

With this method, you have to babysit the water and begin timing as soon as it comes to a boil. If you miss even one minute, your eggs won’t be perfectly soft-boiled. Does it really matter? To me, it does. Yeah, I am that person.

I stumbled upon a different method last week; the eggs were perfect! Yay! There was just the right amount of runny yolks with solid whites, no white gooey stuff, and no pale yellow yolks partially cooked.

This is the method I tried:

Over medium-high heat, bring a medium-sized pot of water to a boil. Use the number of eggs you like straight from the refrigerator. This is important. Turn the water to a gentle boil. This is also important.

Using a slotted spoon, lower the eggs into the water and set a timer for 6 minutes. When the timer goes off, remove the eggs immediately. Again, this is important.

Place the eggs straight away into a bowl of cold water with ice. Chill for 2 minutes. Finally, either peel, cut in half with the shell on, spoon out of the shell, or cut just the top off and place in an egg cup. I cut mine in half and scoop out the egg halves.

The 6 minutes when the eggs cook is enough time to make toast. I wasn’t stressed if the eggs would be over or undercooked. Again, I am that person. I know most people don’t give a shit if their eggs are cooked correctly.

Even though the cooking time is 6 minutes, I’ve also made 7-minute eggs with slightly firmer yolks that can be peeled and cut in half.

Unlike softer-boiled eggs, which are eaten in a bowl or egg cup, these can be placed on a platter and eaten with your hands. They are also delicious and perfect for brunch or on the go.

If you like soft-boiled eggs, I hope I posted this method early enough so you can make some this weekend.

*** Shortly after I published this post I got a text from my friend Maria Wulf of http://fullmoonfiberart

10 minutes later she sent this photo with this text “Perfect! Yoke juicy and whites hard!”

Maria’s perfect soft boiled egg. ♥️

It really does work! 🤗

2 Replies to “Soft boiled eggs…”

  1. I’m going to try the seven minute egg. They look fantastic.

  2. I was just thinking about how much I loved soft boiled eggs with toast as a kid, and now you posted this! Maybe we can try together when I come up to see you. ❤️

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