Annoying changes…

M€ta keeps updating and changing Facebook, which has affected my blog to the point that I am just short of having a hissy fit. Okay, I had one.

My blog will no longer automatically post on my Julzie Style FB page and has removed those readers from my total readers count.

Its not a big deal to anyone but me, but I am happy I have 419 readers and not just 155. I

t’s hard to even acquire new reader so please share if you know someone who likes reading blogs like mine.

I work hard to keep my readers interested even after losing about 100 when I wrote about my psychic gifts.

Some people just couldn’t hack the authentic me and my life, which really is fine with me.

I just wanted to say thank you to my readers for sticking with me and to those of you who support my blog.

Every penny helps maintain the blog since it isn’t free for me, in fact it’s quite pricey paying for the host site and other things needed.

All things aside, I love writing each blog post and sharing my life with my readers.

I never knew how many people love my blog until they tell me when I see them in person. I am always humbled and overcome with joy whenever I hear this.

End of rant. Thank you, my friends! I appreciate each and every one of you. 💜

3 Replies to “Annoying changes…”

  1. It puts me into despair that you lost about 100 subscribers when you wrote about your psychic gifts.

  2. Yes, it’s a real shame people can be so sensitive or easily offended. I greatly enjoyed your psychic gift post. On a side note, are you still supplying the Littleton Co-op with your Spaetzle? The last several times we’ve shopped there was none to be had. Because its a long ride, I freeze several packages and pop them out as needed. Used the last one Monday! Yikes. Guess I better figure out the next closest store who carries your lovely Spaetzle.

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