It’s a grilled cheese kind of day…

Sometimes you just need a warm and gooey grilled cheese sandwich. Today, was that kind of morning.

These single-digit numbers we’ve been waking up to in the mornings make you want warm fuzzy everything.

This is the first winter I’ve enjoyed since I was a kid. I stared winter right in the face and said, “Hi, remember me?”

I was always a summer person but now after a horrendous year, I am appreciative of every season.

I am “wintering” like the nature and animals around me. It’s like a “when in Rome” kind of feeling. A feeling of acceptance.

Nelly is lying on a heated blanket after coming in from doing her business early this morning. She’s no dummy!

Instead of hating to put on winter shit to go out, I am appreciative for my warm fuzzy hat, gloves, scarf, socks and down jacket. I love my winter muck boots and leg warmers.

No, I haven’t gone off my nut, even though I’ve gotten pretty close, I’m slowing down, and looking around, and living in the moment.

Last year, at this time I would have said what a bunch of bullshit like many of you are.

However, when faced with the notion you may be lucky enough to be here for another winter or two, shit changes. Big time.

Last year’s health crisis took its toll on my mind and body; and now it’s showing.

All that stress and anxiety has caused my hair to shed, I hate to use those words “fall out” like crazy.

I’ve lost 50% of my hair all over not in clumps thank God. I am lucky I started with a thick head of hair.

My hair still looks good but it’s thin. Let me tell you it’s been scary as hell with every handful or brush full that comes out.

It has made me cry for weeks on end creating even more stress. My strong thick hair is a part of who I am.

I don’t want to jinx myself but I think it’s finally slowing down. My doctor said it would grow back and I’ll have my thick hair back in no time. 🙏🤞🏼

I had a small bout of psoriasis show up again but I’m showing it who’s boss.

It rears its ugly head when I am very stressed. It started when I was 9 years old, I had a nervous breakdown of the skin.

That was the year we moved away from family and friends, I went to a new school, and my mother turned on me and started treating me like Cinderella.

Right now it’s pretty much under control. I dealt with it for the first two years of the pandemic. I know what to do.

I’ve been exhausted after months and months of stress which I am giving into while I am “wintering.”

Sometimes you just need a grilled cheese sandwich, a kiss on the head, and be told everything will be fine.

Everything will be fine. I haven’t been able to share this until today. I had no idea I would write about it until the words formed easily.

As always, thanks for reading and following me on this rollercoaster of life. ❤️

Happy Friday my friends! Cheers…

2 Replies to “It’s a grilled cheese kind of day…”

  1. Everything WILL be fine Julz cause you’re tough as nails! Blessed to call you my friend! 💪

  2. It’s a blessing to be able to live in moment.
    That bread looks really good. Perfect for a gooey grilled cheese. What kind is it?

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