Back in the kitchen…

A shelf in our kitchen with one of my Christmas gifts from Noah & Aja. They found this couple for me when they were in Mexico!

I cooked and baked a lot of food between December 18-30. I haven’t cooked since.

Besides heating up leftovers from the freezer or frozen chicken nuggets and tater tots, I haven’t cooked.

We were invited to dinners at friend’s homes which was well appreciated.

I guess I cooked myself out. I didn’t want to think about food, look at food on my Instagram page, or go food shopping.

So, I didn’t. I was exhausted and listened to my body and rested.

Today, I had an inkling to make Thai food. I made Thai red curry with shrimp and jasmine rice.

Thai shrimp red curry.

Then I tried something new. I make pretty good Thai food for a white girl and understand what a Thai dish needs to be in balance.

I made warm silken tofu with a sauce I never saw or tried before. I never ate silken tofu as an appetizer either.

I loved it. Marty loved the sauce. He had a hard time getting used to the texture but ate it. I think he liked it.

The texture of the silken tofu was like a panna cotta and the sauce was sour, sweet, salty, and an umami flavor bomb.

The time I’ve spent not cooking was divided by reorganizing everything and cleaning.

The house looked like someone took random shit and threw it in every corner of the house.

I had laundry up the ass which I am almost caught up with. Lots of dirty cloth napkins, several tablecloths, kitchen and bath towels, and our regular laundry. Ugh!

My pantry looked like a bomb went off with platters, bowls, and other shit piled up on the floor in front of the shelves.

I’m about 80% done. You have to understand I am a total maniac when it comes to having a clean and organized home.

At one point during the holiday week, I said fuck it and stopped being stressed by the chaos and didn’t care.

I knew everything would be cleaned up eventually. I don’t run around like an energizer bunny anymore and kill myself to get done in one or two days.

Nope, I am not doing that anymore.

I felt free doing things when I felt like it and didn’t dread the chores like I used to.

I rested when I needed to. I realized there are no awards for killing yourself and overdoing it.

I really did learn a lot about myself last year.