That’s a wrap Christmas ‘23…

My kitchen looked like a woodland forest yesterday when I took down the decorations.

This was the first Christmas season where I had an actual Christmas spirit since the boys grew up.

Celebrating Christmas this year was very different for me. I had some extraordinary moments with my family.

I cooked a lot and was in my glory. I forgot to take photos of some of the dishes like the tiramisu cream puffs.

The Saturday before Christmas, my oldest son Noah, came over to wrap his girlfriend, Aja’s gifts.

It was no secret that Noah was a terrible gift wrapper. I taught him how to wrap gifts.

It was like watching a light bulb going off, he was a pro right away. We talked and ate Christmas cookies.

A perfect mother and son time spent together. I’ll cherish that day forever, it was really special.

Christmas morning with family was relaxed and very enjoyable.

Christmas Day was a lazy day, it was only the three of us. We had simple and delicious food.

We had a delayed Christmas Eve dinner on the 26th. It was great that we were able to get together and enjoy the feast of the fishes.

Sam left after breakfast this morning. My kitchen is now clean and back to normal.

All the Christmas decorations have been taken down signaling the end of another Christmas season.

Here’s to better days ahead and time to say goodbye to 2023; probably the hardest, most significant, and life-changing year.

Happy New Years my friends. I wish you all a happy and healthy year full of abundance and prosperity.

What I mean about abundance isn’t physical things but about the things you can’t see or touch like love, peace, and well-being.

I’ll talk to you all next year. Be well. Lots of love to each and every one of you. ♥️

3 Replies to “That’s a wrap Christmas ‘23…”

  1. Beautiful pictures of your Christmas. Your meals sound and look so good. I have enjoyed following you all during 2023, and look forward to 2024. Wish you a very Happy New Year.

  2. Lovely photos and sending very best wishes to you and family for the coming year. Thank you Julz for all your posts, wonderful recipes and ideas during this past year!

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