All is well…


Life is back to normal and we have recovered from Covid. Such an annoying nuisance it has turned out to be.

Marty and Sam are heading out tomorrow morning to Syracuse for an EMS conference, something they participated in for the last few years.

It’s me, Nelly and Klaus, this rainy and cold weekend. I have no plans or expectations. No menu of food to make or projects planned.

The house was cleaned and all towels, linens and throw blankets were laundered to get rid of our sick germs. The rest of the laundry is caught up as well; and put away!!

I don’t mind a quiet weekend or celebrating our 34 wedding anniversary on Saturday when Marty gets back. No biggie.

Right now, I am enjoying the sunshine in our back room, my favorite place to hang out. ☀️

One Reply to “All is well…”

  1. Oh Nelly, you are a goofball indeed. Dottie Dog also enjoys laying out so we can all appreciate her lovely belly and (ahem) ladies parts. Enjoy your alone/relaxation time Julz!

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