Done early? Wow…

I had a Grinch like experience in the last couple of months, my hearted grew 10 times!

Christmas shopping always caused me anxiety. Come to think of it, all shopping for others always gives me anxiety.

Thanks to my mother, who was never pleased or satisfied with anything I ever chose for her is probably the root of this. Never once.

Living in the now or moment has changed me in ways that shock the hell out of me every day.

Instead if shopping for others stressing me out, the now me suddenly felt like I was looking forward to the holiday season.

After my boys were grown up, I went through a decade of depression and missed how excited I was for the holidays.

As an empty nester, I’m in a place in between having grown up children and having grandkids.

I began my holiday ideas and when I saw something that I wanted to give someone I said fuck it and bought right then and there.

Now, I am done and have no holiday gift giving stress. It’s pretty damn amazing. When the kids were little I keeping thinking they need one more thing.

Not anymore, these gifts were purchased or made with love, creativity. And not out of obligation.

The Grinch quote above resonated with me this year, “What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?”

Funny, I just let out a big sigh or contentment after I typed that last line.

Decide to make today a good one. Go into each day with no expectations and you may be pleasantly surprised. ♥️

*** No editing on this post since I am running out to the production kitchen as I press the publish button.

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