Back in the garden…

After my nervous breakdown in April and my visit to the lower world with Hawk, I was shown all the beautiful things in my life. Right now, right here. After that, I started looking at everything that brings me joy and what does not. I started getting rid of stuff that didn’t bring me joy.

The first thing that came to mind was the joy of gardening. There are plenty of reasons why I stopped gardening; besides not having enough time, I hated kneeling and weeding constantly. The weeds seemed to grow back before I was done. I also didn’t like black flies buzzing around my head and face.

Back then, we planted a culinary garden with different sections. There was an Italian section with Roma tomatoes, Italian parsley, eggplant, and basil. The Mexican garden had other tomatoes for salsa, cilantro, and peppers. The Asian garden had scallions, Thai basil, peppers, and Japanese eggplant, to name just a few.

It was fun growing a culinary garden and planning what I would make with what we produced. When I thought about what I loved about gardening was that concept. When planning our garden in our raised beds, we kept it simple and grew an Italian kitchen garden.

After the septic system catastrophe, we ended up with a new retaining wall and slate terrace, which came out fantastic. This was the silver lining of a costly project that had to be done immediately. I didn’t freak out when we realized what needed to be done. I was looking ahead at the outcome.

Since I went on that journey with Hawk in April, I have been tested repeatedly. So much so that it makes me laugh. I can get over situations quickly, giving the worries or anxiety away and focusing on the now. I see hawks hovering over our house or while I am driving. Hawk, my power animal, is very powerful, which I am grateful for.

I’ve tried to live in the now for years; I have statues of Buddha everywhere to remind me. Now, instead of reminders, I give thanks and gratitude to Buddha when I see them. I bought a Buddha statue for our new garden that greets us when we enter the terrace garden.

Tonight, before I went out to water the garden, flowers, and herbs, I remembered my favorite part of the day was watering the garden with a cold glass of white wine or a summery cocktail like a gin and tonic with a lime.

That’s exactly what I did while dinner was in the oven and the sun was just right. I loved padding around barefoot on the slate pieces of the terrace that were still warm from the afternoon sun. I was caught up in the moment and realized this was one of my favorite joys!

2 Replies to “Back in the garden…”

  1. Julz, you’ve created an idyllic zen-like setting in your yard. It transported me as I looked at your pics. I applaud the steps you’ve taken to find serenity in your life.

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