Cleaning 2.0…

Our house is usually tidy, especially since we decluttered many things and went for a simple design with clean lines. 

Don’t get me wrong, when we were super busy with the business, and I was sick, there was shit everywhere. I was so ill I didn’t care, which is unlike me.

Even when I think my house is a wreck, people who stop by think our house is clean. I guess it’s different perspectives and expectations. Mine are very high since I am a total asshole perfectionist.

The last time I gave the place a top-to-bottom cleaning was at the end of January when we hosted a dinner party for our friends. A week before, I became ill. 

Last week, in the production kitchen, I learned I could not be in the kitchen when it’s being disinfected with bleach spray and sanitized. 

We tried using a bucket with bleach and water, but that made me cough my head off, and my airway felt raw. I needed to use my emergency inhaler to catch my breath from coughing. 

Marty has taken over the production kitchen disinfection and sanitizing; however, on Friday, I returned to the kitchen with a towel over my face to get something, and I coughed until Sunday. This is a serious problem.

I love cleaning and washing whites with bleach. When Noah was small, someone said he was so clean he smelled like bleach. I was proud sick then, but now I think I was a complete whack job.

I shudder thinking he breathed in bleach every day. Up until last week, bleach meant clean to me. How else could I get his onesies, socks, and white shoelaces sparkling clean? Ugh! 😑 

Even my favorite orange furniture oil contains fragrance allergens. I will have to pick up old-fashioned lemon oil and use that instead.

After we realized I couldn’t do the final cleaning in the kitchen anymore, I knew I had to change all the chemicals I used to clean our house and laundry. I had to replace everything literally! 

Marty went to Hannaford Supermarket and picked up the line of Method cleaning products. I already used some, and they worked fantastically. The shower spray shocked me with how well it cleaned the white shower tiles. I sprayed it on and didn’t rinse it off as the bottle said.

I switched to free and clear laundry pods and ordered new shampoo, conditioner, and detangler for my hair. I already use an all-natural goat’s milk soap I get from my friend Joanne, a fellow vendor at the farmers market. Joanne’s soaps smell great and last 4-6 months.

I don’t have an appointment with my new pulmonologist until April 26th. I don’t know how bad my pulmonary fibrosis is. I am taking it very seriously if I am going to fight this fucker and live a long life. 

Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone, but I am living a little to no chemicals life, eating healthier, even healthier than I am already.

I also started moving more; Nelly was the perfect answer to the moving more part. I can’t wait to go for walks with the dogs when she gets a little bigger.

The title of this blog post is called, Cleaning 2.0 since I have to change the way I clean with different products

Even if you think your home is clean, it’s not a new baby, puppy, or kitten clean. Holy shit, there were more hidden dust bunnies, electrical wires, and all kinds of shit she could chew on, eat, or pull over. 

Today, when Klaus and Marty, were out making deliveries in NY. I found an old baby gate and blocked Nelly in our back room. She needs constant supervision, and this was the best place for her.

While I was upstairs cleaning, I suddenly heard a bunch of noises. I went downstairs to check on her; she got tired of playing with her toys and hiding out in her bunker, also known as the loveseat. She knocked over or pulled down everything she could reach. Nosey Nelly!

I decided at that moment It was snuggle time. Nelly laid in the same spot behind my legs where Otto used to when we snuggled. It made me feel good; instead of making me cry because I missed him so much.

I am covered in dog hair after cleaning up all the dust bunnies.

Klausie boy isn’t a snuggler, so I am glad Nelly is. Today, I felt connected to Otto through Nelly; it was a beautiful, peaceful feeling.

I am happy to report I am going back to belly dance tomorrow night while Marty holds down the fort in puppy land. I’ve missed it so much and the lovely women I dance with.

Have a good night and a wonderful Wednesday.