Three strikes…

I charged all of my crystals and gemstone during the full moon last night. I still put them all on the windowsills even though the beautiful moon was covered up by thick clouds. This little crystal & gemstone tree was a Christmas present I received from Aja. I love it and can’t wait to feel its energy which will be magnified by the copper the stones are wrapped in.

I am feeling the doldrums of winter in every way possible. Even though I am on anti-depressants, seasonal depression has been gnawing at me and I know I am not alone.

I’ve been tired, sluggish and feeling lazy. All I want to do is lay on the couch with a blanket and do nothing, I don’t of course, but think about it all day. I hate feeling this way. 

I wrote three blog pieces this week, but before editing them I realized I wrote nothing more than the ramblings of a crazy person. So I deleted them. This went on for 3 straight days. 

I don’t write for the sake of writing and won’t publish shit just to publish something. I am glad after I write an article, I let it sit and simmer before I go back and reread it. 

So basically, I’ve got nothing this week. I need to get out of this lazy funk. I feel like a grizzly bear waiting for spring or at least a few days of sun.

Living in the Northeast isn’t a good place for people with seasonal depression. I can’t wait to be in a position to be a “snow bird” one day, getting the hell out of here for a couple of months and getting into some warmth and sunshine.

I am still working, cooking and keeping up with chores, but feel like I am doing it in a pot of molasses. 

Anyway, have a good weekend guys. We are on our way to the farmers market even though all I really want to do is go back to bed. I’ll put on my “julz”‘and make it through another cold, gray, and gloomy day. 😕

3 Replies to “Three strikes…”

  1. Hey Julz, You got me up off the couch Wednesday for a great dance playlist and was glad I got out. So, hang in there, spring is around the corner…a big corner, but still.

  2. Hey Julz. I use a light box for my SAD each winter. I sit near it for about 20 minutes each day while sipping my coffee and waking up. Not a cure all, but it really does seem to help. Make sure you’re also getting enough D3 and B12 too.

  3. Hang in there Julz. Text if you want to walk with me and my camera…we’ll find some light.

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