Dance is my therapy…

Photo credit: Apple Grove

I’m still here! I haven’t written in days; it’s not that I haven’t wanted to, I haven’t had anything noteworthy to write about. 

VT Spätzle has been busy, in fact we are already behind for next week! This is a great thing but a little overwhelming at times. Our small business consists of Marty and me and that is how we want to keep it for the time being.

All week I’ve been completely stressed out until Marty pointed out two things yesterday that made me start to think of things a little differently or try to anyway.

We would be more stressed out if we didn’t have orders coming in. ✔️

I can’t worry about the things I have no control over such as the current state of affairs and high prices. ✔️

While I try to give all my worries over one by one to God at night, these worries are deep in my subconscious. They are so deep I have been woken from a deep sleep twice this week with terrible anxiety attacks. What the fuck?

On the outside I don’t appear to be stressed out, but this is how depression and anxiety usually works. It’s true that some of the most happy and funny people are the ones suffering from depression and anxiety. Take Robin Williams for example.

Last night at dance class, I had fun without any worries or stress. I really needed to dance; when I do all of my thoughts outside of the dance studio fade away. Dance really is my therapy. 

This was from last June when we had a photo shoot.

When I am dancing or teaching I am in the moment. I am not thinking about what I need to do, or things I’ve already done. I am in that one moment of time with music and the women I love to dance with.

Any of our dancers will tell you just how therapeutic dance is. We have all had a bad, rough, tiring, or just a bla day and didn’t feel like going to class. Since we are dedicated we show up anyway and always leave with a smile on our face.

Today, we are out of the production kitchen making deliveries in Saratoga & Albany. We really don’t have a production day to waste, but the orders need to be delivered. 

While we are in Albany, we also have errands to run, scheduled an oil change, and supplies to pick up. Every trip counts just like every penny. 

So as you can see, there is nothing exciting to mention or no fabulous food to share. I wanted to check in anyway and say hello so you don’t forget about me. 🙂

*** I used my phone when I wrote this on the road coming back from Albany so forgive the mistakes; its hard to post this way, but it’s the only time I will have tonight.

One Reply to “Dance is my therapy…”

  1. Totally understand the anxiety/depression thing. People would never guess that about me either. Horses plus other animals and my amazing garden keep me happy like your dancing does for you. The world can melt away and I wouldn’t even notice. Thanks for sharing that…….we all loved Robin.

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