I’m back in VT…

This is the building where the outdoor shots of the popular TV show Friends were taken. Everything else was filmed in Los Angeles, California.

This morning I got up early at Jen’s house and was on the road at 6:05 am. I pulled into our driveway at 8:55 am. The ride went quick!

I planned all along to get out of Jersey before rush hour traffic which is one of the reasons we left NJ in the first place.

Before a trip, I am always anxious, I haven’t driven down to New Jersey in a few years. Marty usually does the driving.

I left on Saturday from The Troy Farmers Market and was at Jen’s house in one hour and 45 minutes. The ride was smooth and there was hardly any traffic. Same thing this morning. Thank goodness!

Skye, my little Ford Maverick handled great. I felt safe and confident. I was able to speed up quickly if I needed to pass someone and get back over into the right lane. This was my first long drive with her and it was really awesome.

I have tons of things to write about the trip, I am trying to organize my thoughts and photos for a couple blog posts.

We had a great time together and got to do everything we wanted to including going into Greenwich Village for a walking tour, cooking together, going out to eat, drinking wine and watching Netflix.

Today, I am getting getting ready for the busy work week. Yes, I may have taken a nap too. 😉

Enjoy the rest of your day, the sun came out and it turned out to be a decent day. Yay!

***There may be some errors in this post which I apologize for, I did it on my phone and not the laptop.