300th post…

Yippee! I am excited to announce in this 300th post there is a new section in the menu of my page, Food & Recipes. Thank you, Marty, for helping me with this. ❤️

This morning, I went through all my blog posts categorizing the food and recipe posts. So far, the posts that contain an original recipe have the word recipe in the title. I say so far because I may go back in the future and write the recipes for some dishes I only wrote about.

Some cooking posts contain links to websites I used to make the dish giving the recipe’s owner credit and not just copying and pasting as many food blogs do. This annoys me beyond belief that people claim a recipe as their own when they blatantly steal it from another site.

Creating your own recipe isn’t hard; the copy and paste folks could at least customize the formula even if it means changing the quantity of an ingredient. Do they not know this? Are they too lazy or don’t care? If they like a recipe the way it is, give the person credit; it’s as simple as that. Always give credit where credit is due.

I hope you like the new section and find it helpful. I am also open to cooking questions or suggestions for dishes you would like me to showcase or demonstrate.

Have a great weekend, everyone!!!

2 Replies to “300th post…”

  1. How about a recipe for the amazing shrimp dish you made for us last summer? Or was it the summer of 2020? (Covid-time is a blur). It was sooo good!

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