Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

Still lots of energy on my home after working and 3 hours of belly dance. And look… I am still wearing colors not just black anymore.

I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to be sleeping soundly finally. I started taking Midnight Drops, a combo tablet of CBD: THC that I got at the dispensary last week for my insomnia.

I take a tablet an hour before I want to fall asleep, and boom…I am asleep sometimes beforehand. Even if I get up to use the bathroom, I go right back to sleep; I’ve never been able to fall back to sleep easily until now. 

I bought one bottle of 20 tablets Midnight Drops and found out they are super popular, and they sell out every time they get a shipment…crap! I’ve been checking their website daily to see when they come in; I can order online and pick them up. Needless to say, I’ll be buying more than one bottle even though they are $45 each plus a significant MA state sales tax. A good night’s sleep is priceless.

Getting a good night’s sleep is something to be cherished; take it from me. I used to wake up exhausted, think about napping all day, wanting to lay down. I was literally dragging myself around all day long. I wanted to be able to focus on things, and I was forgetful. Being tired mentally and physically really takes a toll on you and those around you.

After production, I made us lunch, then was off to make a delivery and run 5 errands all around Bennington. On my way to Bennington, I heard on the police, fire, and rescue scanner that a vehicle was flipped over in a ditch and took down electric and phone lines, snapping a telephone pole in half.

I heard Marty on the scanner; he was on the scene as a first responder. The good news is the driver wasn’t hurt. His trailer he was towing caught the wires and pulled them down while snapping the top of the phone pole. The trailer disconnected from his truck and rolled down the ravine. 

Photo credit Marty Irion

The bad news was that the accident took out power for hours. I know we are a spoiled society and count on electricity, but we NEED it to keep the spätzle we just made nice and cold. Our walk-in refrigerator is insulated very well, but we had no idea how long the power would be out. The freezers would be fine for even a day before we would need to panic as we did with the walk-in.

I got home from my errands at the same time Marty did from the accident scene. We didn’t open any refrigerators; we made a plan. We have a couple of generators for emergencies, but we didn’t have the right plug for the walk-in. 

Quickly, Marty hooked two empty refrigerators up in the production kitchen to the generator. We waited a bit for the refrigerators to come back up to the proper temperature, under 40-degrees. When Marty finally went into the walk-in it was still very cold and under 40-degrees, but we still had to get the spätzle transferred to the other refrigerators just in case power was off all night.

It’s a good thing I had tons of energy because we worked together like energizer bunnies moving the product from one place to another. Luckily, the power came on a couple of hours later. Marty did the opposite, waiting for the walk-in to get back to the “safe zone” temperature before transferring everything back. 

One of the refrigerators running off the generator we transferred product to.

People in the foodservice industry know how important electricity and properly running refrigerators and freezers are. If food gets out of the “safety zone,” it has to be thrown away, resulting in staggering losses.

When we were both school lunch directors, we held our breath going through our kitchens every day. It’s a total and complete nightmare when there is an issue. I still will never get the smell completely out of my memory cleaning out a freezer because someone unplugged it over the summer, and the food rotted. It was fucking disgusting! I was dry heaving the whole time. It was the grossest thing I’ve ever had to do. It’s funny now, but it wasn’t then. 🤮

I am glad the driver was ok and gave a big round of cheer when the Green Mountain Power guys turned the electricity back on the right by our house. If I had been exhausted as I had been, this would have made me very irritated and nasty, but instead, it was a snafu in our day that was resolved quickly. 

We ended up making a New Haven-style white clam pizza on a cauliflower crust and making a campfire. It was the most gorgeous sunset we’ve witnessed in a while since we’ve been so busy. We relaxed by the fire with a couple of cocktails and had a great night. Our friend Martin and his son Luke stopped by for a drink and sat around the fire with us. I wasn’t tired one bit until I took my Midnight Drop and fell right to sleep! 😊

I pulled over on my way home from belly dance to take a photo, something I never do, but it was too beautiful for words, the photo does not do it justice.

3 Replies to “Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed”

  1. So delighted the new sleep drops are working. All that Spatzle made my mouth water. Being without power after going to all that hard work would be such a nightmare. Hurray to the Green Mtn boys.

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